You are enough


When you boil down your fears (and anyone else’s, frankly) to its baseline, the underlying thought is often “”Am I enough?”

Why don’t we think we can run the race, get the guy, live the life we dream about? It’s safer to live it in our own heads than to try, because when we live life in our heads, we don’t have to fight the battle.

Many dragons must be slayed in the journey to our dreams. But the dragons are not external. No, the dragons are the sly voices that whisper in our heads saying “you can’t,” and “that would never work,” and “that could never happen to me.”

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. – Marianne Williamson

What if, instead of asking “why me,” we ask “Why Not Me?” What will that change in your life?

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